
Thanks for dropping by the blog today—it means a lot that you’re reading what I’ve published here. I hope you’ve learned something new or been inspired to visit a new destination after spending time on my blog.

What’s this blog all about?

I flipped the switch on this blog back in July 2012, when I was accepted to move to Spain to teach English to public elementary school students.

This blog began as a way to share my experience working as a language assistant and living abroad in Spain. A Texan in Spain would expand to include engaging travelogues illuminated by my background in history, linguistics, and photography. I hope the bulk of my blog’s archives continues to inspire others to visit off-the-radar destinations in Spain, especially Jaén province in Andalucía and the entire region of Galicia.

It’s been years, though, since I was a foreigner in Spain. Nowadays, I call Phoenix, Arizona, home: me and millions of others who moved to this oasis in the desert from outside the state. During the workweek, I dedicate my time to non-profit fundraising, but I spend many of my weekends and vacations hiking or roadtripping across Arizona.

My current goal with this blog is to help newcomers who move here to explore and understand all that Arizona and the greater Southwest have to offer, with a special focus on historical sites and hiking routes.

Start here

There’s well over 300 posts you could check out, but I recommend the highlights below to get a feel for my writing style and what makes me tick:

How to get updates when there are new posts

It’s easy to be notified whenever I publish something here. You can subscribe via an RSS reader like Feedly with your Google or Facebook account using this RSS feed. Or you can sign up for email updates the old-fashioned way.

For behind-the-scenes updates, make sure to follow me on Instagram. And for complete photo albums of my travels and adopted cities, check out my photostream on Flickr.


If you have any questions or requests, you can send me an email at trevor [DOT] huxham {AT} gmail (DOT) com. I’ll try to respond as fast as I’m able.

Thanks again for reading!

What others are reading:

Is St. James Really Buried in Santiago de Compostela, Spain?

A Crash Course in the Galician Language

Albarracín: The Most Beautiful Village in Spain